At the Park
Daddy and Daughter, don't they look alike?
Easter 2011
We got a jumping chick for the girls and it was a big hit.
Homemade Easter Bunnies. June's is purple and is supposed to look like a rattle and it has a bell inside. Cheryl's is the one that looks like a tooth. I really didn't think it would look like a tooth. Oh well, can't take the tooth obsession out of the girl, huh?
Standing Up Already
I caught a smile. Yippee.
Couldn't get a smile out of Cheryl
This is all I could get, with a messy face, runny nose and blurry.
June fell asleep after lunch. How cute.
Daddy pushing the girls around in there toy bin. They were laughing and laughing.
Easter was interesting this year. The girls had beautiful Easter dresses from Grandma and Grandpa Campbell. Thanks! That morning we ate breakfast got ready for church and brought the Easter baskets out. We ate some candy and then went to church. We came home and Cheryl looked a little off...she then threw up on her dress. Well, there went the family Easter pictures. So, we will have to get the girls dressed up and take some pictures with there cute pink Easter dresses some time soon. Cheryl is fine she now has a cold that she shared with the whole family, that was nice of her. In the mean time, it has snowed out here too. In May! I love snow, but more than six months of it, I am kinda done with it. Also my baby sister had her 4th baby. Adam Russell Williams. Congrats Heather. Miss you and her cute kids. We miss all of you Californians.
We love you too and too bad that she threw up on Easter and you guys were all sick. Bummer. Thank you I am recovering great and Little A is doing great too. Cant wait to see you, when we do.