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June Elise one month old, really?

The first month has come and gone. WOW, it was all a blur. Having a newborn, a 21 month old, a husband that works 6 days a week(leaving me 2 to 3 days at a time), now having only one car to drive(which Nathan takes to work, because I am not driving my kids to drop Daddy off at 2 in the morning), basically on only 4 hours a sleep in a 24 hour period, and trying this whole breastfeeding thing are only a few things I have had to endure this past month. So, if you are wondering where I have been this past month, I am in crazy town, going bonkers. I am in love with my new precious addition, June. Other then her baby acne and cradle cap, she is beautiful. She is such a good baby. Not a big crier like my first born. She grunts a lot though and it's funny. Cheryl is so wonderful with her. She has her moments that she acts like a true two year old but she is pretty great. I am going to start a new venture with her now. I want to start potty training her...I think. She also took a nose drive off her crib and freaked me out, so we are in the process of converting her crib into a toddler bed then soon she will get into a twin bed. Lots of changing for that little girl lately. She has been so patient(as much as a toddler can be) with me as I devote so much of my time with June, lately. I can't wait until they can play together. That will be fun.
I am not like most women, I don't like being pregnant, I don't like newborns, and I really don't like breastfeeding. Now don't get me wrong, I Love my little girls and love to be a mom, but I don't like to feel out of control and those things make me feel that way. I am so blessed to have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful hubby too. I am getting sleep now so that makes mommy very happy.


Joi Montrief said…
Omygosh...She's gorgeous! She totally looks like my little Renin! I love it. I can't wait to meet her! Awe! Scotlin needs to meet her little best friend too! Love you!
Vivian Campbell said…
gorgeous daughters! congrats:)
So Cute!! can't wait to come see you. Love you and your cute family.
She is so cute!

That is a whole lot to handle! I think it took me about 5 months to get used to having a 3 year old and a baby, so I can't imagine a 21 month old!

And good job with the breastfeeding. It does take a lot of dedication and hassle, but it's such a good gift to your baby girl!
Luvbeingmom said…
I'm sooo with you...I too hated being pregnant (this time around) and did not like the newborn phase. Though I love breastfeeding, it's wonderful, and if you keep it up it WILL get better!
Now with Potty Training I have the MOST wonderful and easy going potty training method called 3 Days Potty Training...YEAH! 3 days! AND IT WORKS!
For me it took 7 days but it was b/c I was VERY sick with a terrible cold and feeling miserable and so was Gus.
If you'd like I can send you the book, it's a e-book. Email me at
t's hard working but sooo worth it. I did it las month with Wyatt and he's diaper free for a month, tells me when he needs to go, holds if he has to, wakes up dry from naps I'm just not rave enough to bite the bullet for night time so I put him in pull ups, but we're ready to take them away too. Also he's starting to go potty on his own...And I give 100% credit to the 3 Day Potty Training method

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