Cheryl Love Christopherson was born on 01-05-09, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, and 18 inches long. Happy Birthday, we love you! We went to the hospital at 2a.m. Monday morning to be induced for labor, they gave me Patocin to get it going...I was already dilated to 3 centimeters at that time. At around 11 or so I received the wonderful Epidural, Yeah! I still was not progressing, and next thing we knew Cheryl was not handling the contractions very well. They had to turn the Patocin off and turned the Epidural off...because I couldn't feel my legs at all. The doctor said if we don't progress and the contractions keep bugging the baby then we would have to do a C-section. Great! I thought...get this over with already....I don't care how! Well, I didn't have to have a C-section after all and by 5 p.m. I was finally in full dilation. Witch meant...Time to push, I pushed for 2 hours and there she was, a beautiful little girl at 7:18 p.m. What a long day, to say the least! Ther...
Mom, , ADD, Allergies, Fitness, Money Management, Cooking, Creating and many more....
Love you both. And good job cheryl. That remote looks so tasty. =)