In December I had surgery on my nose. I had a deviated septum. And the Doctor said it was so bad that he didn't know how I could breath out of it. And that I would benefit from not only getting the inside fixed, but the outside too. If I just fixed the inside then I might have to get that surgery re-done in a few years, so I decided to get both done. Now that I was getting the outside done, I wanted to get the bump removed. So, on December 22st(The day after Nathans birthday) I had surgery on my nose. The night before my parents, and brother and his family came to help take care of the girls and spend Christmas together. Nathan took me in and while I was in surgery he went to get my prescription and hit a poll in the parking lot with the car. So, funny, I had to share. So, I went home to recover and was completely out of it. I went later to watch Christmas video's and didn't remember just about everything, let alone even filming it all. About a week after, my nose was swelling pretty good and then came the wonderful day of taking the bandage off. Wow, new nose. It still was pretty swollen though. Everyone asks me if it was horrible with the gauze stuffed up my nose, and I say nope. I really couldn't breath before, and with the gauze up there, like 8 inches of it, it felt sort of normal. And when the Dr. took it out, that was the first time I could breath in over ten years. I still can't believe that I can close my mouth and not hear a whistling sound from my nose. I thing the I wasn't expecting was such a change internally with me. I thought that my nose was the only thing that changed but I truly went through a healing in my soul too. This was a very weired, emotional, and great experience and I am glad I did it.