Christmas this year was very interesting. On the 22nd I had surgery on my nose, and that is why I am not in any picture. All I could do was sit on the couch and take pictures...and I could hardly see so the pictures aren't that great. I thought that just my Mom was coming out to help watch the girls while I was out of it, but she didn't come alone. Surprise, surprise, my Dad, Cameron my brother, his wife Vivian and my nephew Derek (that I had never met), showed up at the door and said they were staying for Christmas. That was the best Christmas gift I could ever have. Now that surgery wasn't that bad....because I had family out. Although, I was out of it and still can't remember half of what happened, it was so good to have them out. Thank you, Thank you for coming and that you were able to. To the rest of my family who couldn't come, I miss you and can't wait to see you too. Christmas Eve we read the birth of Christ in Luke 2 and sang lots of Christmas songs, while Cheryl did a great job of leading the music. Then Santa came. Christmas day was so fun, we woke up and I started taking a video first while the girls were walking down the stairs. So, I will put that video on here soon. I sat on the couch as the girls and Nathan opened all the presents. They were so cute, and they loved everything they got. Thanks for all the gifts. I am not really sure what we did that day, other than play with the presents. A couple days later we got more gifts from Aunt Angela and cousin Jacob, the girls love the fun blankets. All in all Christmas was pretty great. Thanks all who made it special.