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California and Family

For the past two weeks Cheryl and I have been in California. My Uncle Rick passed away suddenly and so I went out to CA to be with my family. Nathan couldn't go because of work and so Cheryl and I took a girl's road trip. She was so good in the car. She slept most of the time. I just have to say, that is a really boring drive!
I love my Uncle Rick and his family. The funeral was beautiful and very special. Just knowing that we will see him again someday makes everything seem so much better. I am so proud of my Aunt and all the kids. I am so grateful to be a part of such a loving, caring, wise and beautiful family. Although, I wish I were going to visit under better circumstances...we have already become closer as a family. I was able to spend time with my Dad, Mom, Sister's and Brother. It was so good to see all of you! I need a good dose of the Campbell family a lot more. Being so far from family is hard for going out to visit was wonderful.
Cheryl had her first Halloween with Grandma and Grandpa Campbell and her cousins. That was a lot of fun to go trick or treating after a 14 year gap. It was really good to see my Prego Joi and her growing belly. You are beautiful sweetie. Also, seeing Heather Feather and her kids. It just reminded me how fast kids grow up. My Cam, his wife, Vivi and their cute place was great to see too. I think I shopped with all of them and that was great...because I love to shop. I left Cheryl to hang out with her Uncle Rob...they are too cute together. He is going to be a good Daddy, Joi. Cheryl just loved her crazy little cousins. She really could care less about kids her age. She wants to play with kids older, just like her cousins. I miss you all!
We also visited her cousins, Gilli and Aidean and Aunt Kristy and Uncle Robert, Nathan's brother's family. I am not sure if Cheryl thought that Robert was her Daddy or what. They look alike, and she seemed to really like here uncle a lot. Gilli was so cute with her and even wanted to give her little chair to Cheryl. That was so adorable. It was good to see you guys, we are going to have to come out again and visit much longer. Cheryl and I also visited our friends, Steve and Emily. They have a big white rabbit and she just loved it. Thanks, Bunny for taking a couple of jabs and the eye. Steve got out his Halloween Ape mask and didn't scare Cheryl at all, in fact she really liked it. We got a funny little girl, that is scared of the vacuum cleaner, but not scared of a very creepy Ape mask. Ummmm.
All in all it was a very rewarding and memorable trip. Nathan is very happy he has us back home. While we were gone, Nathan was in Nebraska and stuck in a blizzard. Being near family, didn't make me worry as much as I usually do. I am so glad he is safe and nothing bad happened. My knees are so sore for praying so much lately. I am so thankful for all I have and all my wonderful friends and family. Love you all!


Joi Montrief said…
What an awesome post. I love all the pictures!!! We miss you guys WAY too much now. I can't wait to see you when my little one is born. It's going to be so weird to finally have the child I've been dreaming of for so long. I'm glad you go to see me pregnant! Love you girlies!!! Give Cherbear a big hug and kiss from her favorite aunt and uncle!!!!
Kristy C said…
What cute cute photos! It was SO good to see you and Cheryl!!
I see you went to the Sandwich Stoppe while you were here! We love that place!
Your daughter is so sweet! I am so glad I got to meet her in person! haha.. :) She is adorable and happy! I love those Halloween costumes. It was good to see you!!

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