Does anyone want to know if we are having a boy or girl? Well, I went to the Doctor on Tuesday, while Nathan was in Salt Lake working. They have the ultrasound technician there only on Tuesdays and there was no way that Nathan could be there because he goes to SLC every week for work. So, we didn't want to share the pictures from the ultrasound until Nathan saw them first. Then we had another appointment at the doctor's for a check up on Friday. I am gaining so much weight it is disgusting. Before I went to the first appointment, I gave our baby a pep know, to be photogenic and all that. Our baby did so good. Oh, I haven't said what we are having, have I!? Okay, no more stalling, boy oh boy, we are having a baby girl! We couldn't be happier, and now we can buy tons of pink. She is so active...keeping me up at night already. She really doesn't stop moving. So far, I think she takes after me...Nathan is so mellow and she is anything but that right now. I gu...
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