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Showing posts from May, 2012

Eternal Role

Today's Family: The Eternal Role of Mothers click on link to read the article I love this paragraph about mothers. "Among the most important roles of a mother is the call to nurture, Elder Ballard says. “A mother’s nurturing love arouses in children, from their earliest days on earth, an awakening of the memories of love and goodness they experienced in their pre-mortal existence,” he declares. “Because our mothers love us, we learn, or more accurately remember, that God also loves us.”" "Mommy, I love you!", Cheryl says as she wakes me up at 6:30 in the morning. "I love you too, honey", I say, as I hug her tight and never want to let her go. I will take those moments any chance I get, whether it's 6:30 in the morning or in the middle of the night while I am sick and holding my sick child. I have never felt that I truly found my...

Spring and....weeds

We have been playing outside a lot lately and pulling weeds. Nathan took over most of the dreadful weeds while I  keep the girls busy, busy and busy. I think we are almost done with the weeds so we can enjoy our backyard now. Thanks honey for all the hard work. I love the spring and heat...just not the allergies that come with it. And I love that the girls get to run around outside. XOXO-Erin

Bragging Time

Okay I am going to Brag about myself right now (which I rarely do). I finally made edible homemade bread! Yep, that's right it only took 7 or so years of me saying that I could never make bread, rolls or any dough that had any thing to do with yeast. Yeast, I was so afraid of it. I have no idea why. My homemade bread isn't only edible, it is darn right delicious. I have been on a bread making tangent...making it every week. I don't even need a recipe anymore. I have made Honey whole wheat, and white...Nathan loves the white bread so I make more of that. I also can make pizza dough and breadsticks. Now we have pizza every friday. So funny where I used to be and now I feel like I can make anything...almost. XOXO-Erin

Easter 2012

Here is a video of Easter morning too. June was so sleepy.  Easter gets funner and funner the older the girls get. The Easter bunny came with some Easter baskets and we even decorated eggs this year. I am usually not that into it, but this year I even made the girls matching Easter dresses. And the girls looked adorable. I didn't get a lot of pictures because we rushed out the door for church, and when we got home they were so tired. And Cheryl didn't want her dress on any more. So, I am deffiantly going to take some more pics of there pretty dresses. XOXO-Erin