For as busy as the past few weeks have been these are all the pictures that I have. I know, it is really pitiful. I really need to take more pictures. First, Heather(my sister) and her family came to visit for a few days from California. Cheryl and June had a great time with there cousins and I loved seeing them too. We played in the pool in our backyard, hung out, went to the Temple and had yummy food to eat. Me and the girls went to the Gardner family Reunion with my Sister, while Nathan had to work. That was a lot of fun too. We had this huge Slip n Slide and I regret that I took zero pictures of the reunion. The day we drove back Cheryl got extremely sick and had croup again. Then I got sick and June. Oh, and June got croup too. So, that might be the last Reunion we will be going to. Since the girls both got sick and got croup the Dr. told me that if Cheryl gets croup again it could damage her lungs for life. So, I have to be extra careful not to let Cheryl and now June g...
Mom, , ADD, Allergies, Fitness, Money Management, Cooking, Creating and many more....