I have been wanting to do some kind of food storage for a long time, but I wasn't sure the best way for my family. There are dozens and dozens of different ways that you can do your food storage. I have been researching online and I even bought a few books from Deseret Book in the past six months. They all have very different approaches to food storage. Because I am in an apartment I would get discouraged about the storage space and just feel like it is impossible to do food storage right now. One day, when we have a house and more kids, then I will do my family's food storage. Well, the thought that I need to do it, kept nagging me. So, on and on I looked and finally figured out the best way to do it for my family. I first read the book, I Can't Believe It's Food Storage, which is really good and has some great recipes...that is if you have wheat and all the normal food storage stuff. Which I don't have. So, I read the book, It's in the Bag. Wow, never would ha...
Mom, , ADD, Allergies, Fitness, Money Management, Cooking, Creating and many more....