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Showing posts from July, 2009

New Phone

So, I am no longer with Verizon. I was with them for 5 years and now I have Sprint. Not really by choice. I am all about trying to cut costs any way I can. So, we have decided to get rid of our phones and get me a new phone. Nathan's work goes through Sprint and we usually talk through his work phone, mostly because he never has his Verizon phone charged. So we now have one cell phone, Nathan's work phone and our home phone. My number is still the same though. So far, I am not sure if I like it or not. I guess we will see. It will be nice not to have to pay for two cell phones. XOXO-Erin

Fancy Frame Bow Holder

I have been fixing my sewing machine so I wanted to do a project that you didn't have to sew. I saw this frame bow holder on some one's blog and decided to do it. Any thing to keep me more organized! All I did was buy a frame at the D.I. thrift store for cheap. Spray paint it. Hot glue some cute ribbon to the back. And there you have it, a work of art that you can use. It was super easy and really kinda fast to make. Thank you for the idea, whoever you are. XOXO-Erin

Tu Tu

I have been busy making lots of things. One of which is a couple Tu Tu's for my beautiful girl. She mostly wants to eat it but it looks really cute on her anyway. They are very easy to make. All you have to do is get elastic and measure the waist and then take an inch off that measurement. Then you sew the elastic together. Buy 4 yards of Tulle and cut into strips. Tie the strips onto the elastic...make it as long or as short as you want it. And that is it. You now have a Tu Tu. I made a pink and orange one. Pink is much cuter. XOXO-Erin

New Stuff

We now have a 6 month old that requires some solid food and we had no where to feed her. We have a small place so not a lot of room for a big high chair, so we got a booster seat convertible high chair thingy. Well, whatever it works really good. Cheryl loves it. I was watching the news one day and it said there were crib recalls and then I saw our baby's crib on the T.V. Great! Now we have to get a new crib. We got the crib as a set, the crib, dresser and changing table. Well after a few hours of investigation calling wallmart(where we got the crib), I found out that we had to return the whole set. We got our money back and purchased a new crib and changing table on, but we currently have no dresser. We are using some laundry basket's for Cheryl's socks and things for the time being. I am going to have to keep going to the D.I. to find a dresser. I love that place. Anyway, lots of new furniture. XOXO-Erin


So, we had a lot of fun. We went to the Centerville Parade in the morning. Cheryl was some how able to sleep through the entire thing, even when the firetruck honked it's loud horn. Then we went home to hang out and eat some veggie pizza for lunch. Yumm. We found this great Burger place called TonyBurgers and so instead of making burgers we went out. Once our stomach's were full we went home for bath time. We went outside for an early sparkler show before bedtime. Cheryl was very interested in the fun sparkler's and couldn't figure out what the snaps were that we through on the ground. All in all we had a really fun day. Even without the beach..which me miss so much. XOXO-Erin